When visiting Moretonhampstead, a really great way to get explore and appreciate the attractions of this moorland town, is to follow one of the Town Trails.
Moretonhampstead is an ancient town whose fortunes in the past have rested upon the woollen industry, mining and farming and the Town Trails are a great way to find out more. Moretonhampstead has several Town Trails. You can tackle them individually, or you can really go for it and put them all together, starting at the central crossroads by the Information Centre, just across the road from the Hotel. You may like to download a Trails Map.
The trails cover the Historic Town Centre (Red Trail), Moretonhampstead’s Industry and Architecture (Green Trail), Health and Leisure (Blue Trail) and an Arts trail.
Each trail involves walking and can take up to an hour, although the Historic Town Centre lasts about half an hour, so perhaps that would be a nice gentle one to start off with.
Throughout the trails you will find marker plaques in their appropriate colours that help you to find where you are. For more in-depth information, there are numerous publications on sale at the Information Centre.
For more detailed information about Moretonhampstead, you can always go to the Moretonhampstead History Society’s website that is full of fascinating information.